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Guide on Enabling Dark Mode on Chrome

If you are a night reader, it is very important to be able to read with and in comfort. With technology, one way which makes it easier and better to read is the dark mode feature. Fortunately, developers have taken night readers into consideration when they were creating apps and have included the said dark feature mode into their programs. However, if you are into reading using the web, sadly, there is no dark mode for browsers, but, do not be discouraged nor be down about it as there are still ways to enable dark mode and at the same time enjoy reading or surfing the net in the middle of the night.

Chrome is a popularly used by many. As a matter of fact, its Chrome Web Store comes with great extensions which one would appreciate. You will find pretty much any feature you would wish to use as long as you could enable the right extension. This is also true with the dark mode feature. With the right extension, you will be able to enjoy and use it by:

Enabling Dark Mode for All Websites

1. Install the Required Extension

To install the required extension, all you have to do is:

– Go to Chrome Web Store then click on the Extensions tab.

– Look for Stylish then click on the link below:


– Once done, click “Add to Chrome”. This action will add an extension to your browser.

– Access the extension found on the top right corner of your Chrome browser.

2. Enabling Dark Mode Feature

Reading on the web could strain one’s eyes and if you do not do anything, your eyes could easily get tired. With this, it is important that you find something that would ease any un-comfortability by enabling the dark mode and to do it, all you have to do is:

  • Click on the Stylish Extension icon
  • Once you see a drop-down list of themes, select and click dark theme
  • Click install.

Once you have installed it, you could now enable the dark mode even for other popular websites such as Medium, Quora, Reddit, and even YouTube. Take note that once you have enabled the dark mode, this mode will be in effect until you disable it. To disable the dark mode, you will have

to do it manually by right-clicking on the stylish icon then select “turn all styles off”. The said action will turn off or on the effect of the mode all at once for all websites.

Enabling Dark Mode on Selected Websites

1. Install the required extension

Just as mentioned above, if you would like to have a pleasing to the eyes feeling whenever you browse the web, all you have to do is turn its background to dark mode. To do this, the first step is to install the right and required extension. For Chrome, you will need to click the extension, https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/care-your-eyes/fidmpnedniahpnkeomejhnepmbdamlhl?hl=en and the website that you are currently checking out will turn into dark mode.

2. Enabling Dark Mode

If you wish to enable the dark mode for a specific website only, all you have to do is:

  • Find the dark mode icon located on the top right corner of your Chrome browser.
  • Click on it
  • Select Blacklist Mode and Night Mode options
  • If it does not apply or change to dark/night mode, refresh your browser
  • You could disable or enable the dark mode for all websites by clicking on the disable/enable button found on the top of the drop-down menu.

Take note that enabling dark or night mode will not really turn it to jet black color but rather more of dark gray. Though this is the case, it is still better and it will help you create a more pleasant experience in browsing and reading stuff on the web.


Using extensions on Chrome could provide you a pleasant experience in browsing and in reading through changing your browser’s background from the bright light white to a darker color. If you wish to change your Chrome to dark mode, we hope that our above step by step guide came in handy for you.

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