LG TV Airplay Çalışmıyor Nasıl Onarılır

Having an LG TV provides a great and enjoyable watching experience. However, if you would wish to use it with its airplay feature, there could be instances when the mentioned feature could fail. Though the only option might seem to be to call the LG service center, we are happy to say that there are other methods and several ways to solve this issue without having to consult a professional. In this article, we shall provide you of these different ways for you to be able to fix your LG TV airplay not working.
LG TV Airplay Çalışmıyor Nasıl Onarılır
Get the Right Distance
If you will be using Airplay technology, you will have to ensure that both devices are in close proximity with each other. Hence, if you move your iOS device closer to your LG screen, then, this could help you in trying to fix your LG TV airplay not working issue.
Activate the Airplay Feature
There could be times when you could forget to switch your Airplay feature on your iOS device. Hence, if your Airplay feature is not on, then your LG TV will not be able to mirror the content which is on your phone. To solve this problem, all you have to do is activate the Airplay option on your iOS device.
- On your iOS device, go to system preferences
- Select display
- Choose the available display from the drop down menu
- Try to find the Apple menu bar
- Select Apple TV or Airplay enabled smart TV
Reset the iOS device
Just like other technological devices, the solution is as easy and as straightforward as it could be. All you have to do is is to reset your iOS device.
- Turn off your device and reboot it
- Wait for it to power up
Stay on the Same Network
It would definitely help if your TV and iOS device are working on the same internet network connection. If you are not sure if both of your devices are on the same network, all you have to do is check the settings option on your TV.
Use the Right iOS Device/TV
You will have to ensure that your TV and mobile device could support the Airplay technology. To ensure this, your TV must be OLED or UHD TV and your mobile device must not be older than iPhone 4.
Update the Software on Your LG TV
Another reason as to why your LG TV airplay won’t work is because your TV’s software is outdated which could affect your Airplay services on your same TV.
For webOS:
- Press the home button on your remote control
- Select the settings icon found on top of your screen
- Scroll to the bottom and select all settings
- Select general settings – about this TV
- Select Allow Automatic Updates
- Check for Updates button
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the update.
- Wait for the update to complete
For Netcast:
- Click on the Home Button on your remote
- Ayarlara git
- Select others
- Select software update
- Activate software update
- Select check update version
- Wait for the TV to complete its update
Pump Up the Volume
If you experience when your Airplay plays video but without any sound, all you have to do is to increase the audio of your iOS device or your LG TV. All check if the ring or silent switch is on.
Change the Hardware
If your router and IPS are old, this could lead to having an issue with your Airplay. Hence, it is recommended for you to change your old router to a newer one
Reach Out to the Customer Support
If you have tried everything in this article and nothing worked, then, your last resort would be to contact the LG customer care service and ask for an advice.