
Snapverse, Bir Sonraki Büyük Şey mi?

In a world where we’re all constantly tripping over ourselves to find new and creative ways to stand out on the internet we’re always on the lookout for the next big thing in connectivity. It’s no secret that we’re living in an ever more connected world. Now-a-days everyone has a bevy of social media accounts be they Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, Instagram, or some new app or another. The market is so saturated that only a few of the very best are able to get a foot hold anymore but we think we may have found what may be the next hit.

Welcome to Snapverse, 1 part Instagram, 2 parts Vine, with a little extra time per video baked in. Snapverse basically allows you to create snippets of video up to 20 seconds long which can then be shared with the Snapverse community. Any of you familiar with Vine will also be familiar with this formula. Here’s where it gets cool, Snapverse has numerous licensing deals in place with major record labels which have allowed them to include many of today’s hits in the app. User are encourage to use their favorite songs to create compelling videos to be shared with the rest of the community.

There’s plenty of random people hilariously, or surprisingly impressively, playing or singing along with a song; but there’s also those who get far more artistic or elaborate with their creations. Some are also just trying to have some fun with it and there’s obviously plenty of lip syncers ve cute kid videos. Obviously the big draw with this app is being able to use your favorite songs legally in your videos.

Snapverse is still a growing community but the content is getting better every day and it’s only a matter of time till people start getting really creative. I think we were all surprised to see how much genius came out of Vine where users are limited to just 7 seconds. I can’t wait to see what this looks like once it takes off.

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