
Mac için en iyi metin düzenleyicileri

Nowadays, pretty much everyone needs a text editor since it is a solution that offers versatile functionality. There are many things that you can do with the help of a note taking solution including note taking and programming. Pretty much every operating system offers text editing, including Notepad, Text Edit, Notes and many more. All of them are designed to support some way of text editing. It is also possible to find document creation solutions such as MS Word and Pages, which are more suitable for other uses, although they serve the same main purpose.


Considered by many as the best text editor for Mac, BBEdit is a powerful option with features that include advanced editing, manipulation of text and a searching function. This text and HTML editor is designed fro developers and it gives users the chance to manage files, folders, servers and text using just one software. BBEdit comes with the most extensive syntax support available and it also has color coding to make things simple for developers. There is a variety of packages available so you can select the option that suits your budget and needs.


Brackets is a free and open source text editor that is supported by Adobe. What makes Brackets special is the fact that it has an exclusive feature known as Extract. This allows you to get gradients, colors, measurements and font from a PSD file and into a clean CSS that can be used on the web. There are other practical features such as extension support, that comes together with a large library that is continuously updated. There are also previews, inline editors and more.

Sublime Text

This is a hugely popular text editor that features a fantastic user interface. In addition, Sublime Text is one of the few options that offers support for prose, as well as code and markup. While it can do with some improvement in certain areas, Sublime Text comes with one of the fastest search engines that you could get. It has shortcuts for almost any part and feature of the application so you can easily manage its functionality. There is also a powerful plugin API that makes it very customizable, which means that it can suit the requirements of any user. While in order to get all the features you need to go for the paid version, there is a free trial that lets you check what Sublime Text offers without limits.


This is also a fantastic choice when it comes to text editors and it works seamlessly with Apple’s performance with text editors. The software offers the impressive power of UNIX command console in a user-friendly interface that suits those who are just getting started, as well as professional programmers. It brings together features such as search and replace within project, as well as auto-indentation, word completion from current document, dynamic outlines and regular expression support. This text editor also gives you full Xcode support and lets you build Xcode projects within TextMate. TextMate also features a great deal of theme support to make the experience more visually appealing.

Text Wrangler

From Bar Bones, the creators behind BBEdit tool for Mac, Text Wrangler is a solution that is lightweight. It leaves aside features that are only needed by advanced programmers and developers. Text Wrangler focuses on functionality that will allow people to change the order of some columns in a CSV and to play with text to complete this changes. It is close to Notepad++ and since it is a free solution, it is worth giving it a try. Text Wrangler is a convenient tool for basic text editing and modification.


This option created by IDM Computer Solutions is also a great contender in the world of text editors. IDM Computer Solutions is a company known for developing applications that help developers to carry out their jobs effectively. The main strength of UltraEdit is that it offers great functionality for PHP, javascript, HTML, Perl, Python, C/C++ and more programming languages. The tool also comes with column/block editing, file/data sorting, syntax highlighting and other convenient features. In addition, UltraEdit has integrated ftp client and it offers support for SSH/telnet.


Atom is the latest solution available in terms of text editors for Windows, Mac and Linux. In spite of being relatively new, it has already created a strong impression. For starters, Atom is free and open source and it is maintained via github. The tool has a massive user-submitted package library with crucial features such as file system browser, code folding, multiple panes for editing, multi-selection for quick edits, extension library, support for TextMate themes, fuzzy search and much more. Atom also stands out for its convenient interface.

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