
Android Lollipop 5.0 jetzt auf 1,6% Android-Geräten weltweit

Google’s latest mobile operating system Android Lollipop 5.0 has finally made its way to enough devices that it is now showing up on the company’s chart of different Android versions shares. According to the latest Android Developers Dashboard, Android Lollipop is now installed on 1.6 percent of Android devices throughout the world.

Android Lollipop was launched in November last year and even though it had undergone significant changes both in the UI and features department, it has seen such little growth over the past few months. This is not entirely Google’s fault that the adoption rate for Lollipop is so low. Apart from Nexus line of series which receives the newest Android update directly seeded by Google, other devices have to wait for their respective vendors and carriers to push the newest OS update after modifying the OS according to their own needs and custom UI.

Rolling out the latest OS update to devices is not as easy as it looks. Both the carriers and vendors have to go through a lengthy testing phase where they have to test the OS on each individual Android phone and tablet before to make sure it meets the requirements.

Meanwhile, Android Jelly Bean which was released in 2012 has the largest number of shares with 44.5 percent spread over 3 versions. After that, KitKat which was released in 2013 has gained significant share of the Android OS market with 39.7 percent. The amazing thing is that even after so many years of its release, Android Froyo is still running on 0.4 percent devices.

iOS 8, from Apple, has seen a much faster adoption rate compared to any Android OS version. According to reports published by Apple, iOS is now running on more than 68 percent iOS devices.

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