Interessantes Material
House printing: 3D printing houses is the future of construction
It’s not always that 3D printing is slower and more costly than the conventional methods. House printing is a fascinating…
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3D printing food
Hello! It’s 2015, and after many years of being priced beyond most people’s reach, 3D printing is quickly becoming accessible…
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3D Printing in education: inspiration, involvement and love for technologies
3D printing is a technological marvel that empowers people in many different ways. We’ve already talked about inspiring examples of numerous…
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Bioprinting: Drucken von lebenden, funktionsfähigen Organen. Erstaunlich!
Hello! This time I want to tell you about a branch of 3D printing that stands separately from other branches…
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3D-Druck gibt uns die Freiheit, bei der Herstellung von Geschenken kreativ zu sein: eine animierte Transformer-Geburtstagstorte
3D printing is a great technology that enables real breakthrough in many high-tech industries and empowers many startupers, entrepreneurs and…
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Honey on tap directly from a beehive: another successful startup launched using 3D printing. $12.5 million raised on indiegogo
For many, beekeeping is not just a way to get natural and fresh homemade honey, but a hobby to be…
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Wie große Unternehmen wie Ford den 3D-Druck zu ihrem großen Vorteil nutzen
Hello! In my previous article “” I wrote about how 3D printing can help individuals, groups of enthusiasts and small…
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What 3D printers are good for: inspiring examples of numerous startups and individuals achieving success thanks to 3D printing
Hello! In my article “What is 3D-printing and why it is so exciting” I have briefly touched on this question,…
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3D-printing: what it is and why it is so exciting
Hello! This is the first of the series of articles on 3D-printing. Our aim with these will be to help…
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