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How to Run Multiple WhatsApp on Android Phones

WhatsApp is the most widely used and popular messenger app all over the world. In fact, there are about 1.5 billon active users. The reason of its popularity is because it is easy to use and it has a secure end to end encryption.

Through this app, you will be able to send and receive messages no matter wherever you are and the person you are communicating with is in the world. What is more impressive about his app is that it supports audio and video calling features. It also has WhatsApp status which allows you to put post a video as a status. This feature is actually similar to other social media apps like Instagram and Facebook.

Though WhatsApp is thoroughly being loved and enjoyed by many, there are still some limitations as to what this app could do. For example, if you have a dual SIM phone and you would wish to have two separate WhatsApp number accounts on the same phone, this could not be possible as you could only use one number at a time. Yes, unfortunately, WhatsApp does not allow its users to install two or more accounts on one phone. This limits those who have two numbers/SIMS or those who have a dual SIM phone.

Do not worry as there are ways on as how to circumvent this limitation. Through this article, you will be able to get a complete guide as how to run dual WhatsApp accounts on one Android device.

How to Run Double WhatsApp on An Android Phone

Using User Profile on Android

Any Android that has a version of lollipop and above supports multiple users. This means you will be able to add users to your system and at the same time keep data separate. Do not worry as almost all Android phones have this type of feature. This type of feature allows a new user to be able to install and maintain apps and at the same time maintain their information independently.

For you to be able to do this, all you have to do is create a new user profile on your Android and install Whatsapp separately with a new number and profile. Once you have set up your user profile, you will already be able to run parallel apps on your Android.

How to Create A User Profile on Android

For you to be able to add a new user n your Android pie, you will have to go to Settings and select system then select advanced and multiple users. Other Android phones that have a different OS, all you have to do is go to the multiple options found in the settings and then, from there, just add a new user and set up the profile that you’d like to set up on your new Android phone.

Once you have set up a new user profile, add your Google account and then install Whatsapp on your new user profile and add your second WhatsApp account.

Through this method, you will no longer have to root your device nor you would need to use any third party application.

Keep in mind that you could only add a phone number that is not running on another account or phone. This means, that it does not allow users to run the same account on multiple devices but rather you could set two WhatsApp accounts on one device or phone.

Using Cloning Apps

Cloning apps is not actually new especially to those who have Android devices. in fact, there are many users who are able to create clones of apps. This is usually done to keep one’s personal life and work life separate. Though that is the case, however, for you to be able to clone an Android app, you will have to get a third party app.

Third party apps could be cloned and then run multiple accounts on it. In fact, you will be able to have multiple WhatsApp, Messenger, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Instagram, Snapchat and many more.

Here are some of third-party cloning apps which you could check and try

  • Multiple Accounts: Parallel App
  • Parallel Space: Multiple accounts and Two-face
  • Dual Space: Multiple Accounts & Clone App
  • Multi-multiple accounts app

With these third party apps, you will not need to root your Android phone for you to be able to clone apps. They are free and they do not require any root permissions.

Using SwitchMe Multiple Accounts

Since we have provided you options that would allow you to run multiple WhatsApp on your Android phone without having to root your phone, this last method would require for you to have rooted phones. In this method, you would need to use SwitchMe. Keep in mind, as mentioned earlier, you would need to have a root access.

  • Ensure that your phone has a root access
  • Install WhatsApp on your phone
  • Install SwitchMe Multiple Accounts app
  • Run the app
  • Grant Superuser permissions
  • Create multiple accounts
  • Restart your phone before you start using the app

Through SwitchMe app, you will be able to have double WhatsApp accounts. Keep in mind that for you to be able to use this you will have to have root access. As unlike multi-user feature that is built into Android phones, this feature allows you to do this in one space which means you will be able to run dual WhatsApp accounts on a single smartphone. Paid version allows you to run more WhatsApp account on one phone.


We hope that through this article, you were able to find useful information which allows you to be able to run multiple WhatsApp on your Android phone.

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