
KickAssTorrent clone site already up after being shut down

KickassTorrent ended abruptly this week, following the arrest of its alleged founder Artem Vaulin. US prosecutors have charged him with the distribution of millions of copies of copyrighted movies, videos, music, TV shows, games, software, and e-books all valued at more than $1 billion. KickassTorrent has been one of the most commonly used torrent sites for quite some time receiving millions of regular visitors. This community was left hanging after the closure of the main site and what resulted were dozens of people promoting mirrors and copies of the site.

Some of the crops up sites were people trying to keep lost files accessible, but there was a group eager to take over the brand. In one instance the operator of sent an email to several media houses promoting a new KAT address. A follow-up of this revealed that the site was an official backup, and a copy of the database is in the possession of this group. On a much closer look, the site appear to be little more than a partial copy, with the person behind it later admitting they are not related to KAT.

Many other copies are claiming to be the official resurrection of KAT. Some are even advertising themselves as such but have indeed been available for a longer time as proxy mirror sites. For instance, has been around for long, hosting cached pages of the original site. Another mirror is kickasstorents,website, with the people behind it clearly stating they are not related to the original KAT team. This site currently lists torrents files from the past one year but just like other mirrors it does not have a working upload functionality or forum. People behind it have described themselves as a group of individuals who stand up for freedom of the internet.

As of now people are better off not trusting any ‘KAT’ resurrection claims. The chances of having your credentials stolen are higher than finding a site with a valid backup of the user database.

Featured Image Credit:gizmodo

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