
Beste Wasserschuhe für Männer

Niemand kann einen Regenschauer genau vorhersagen, und wenn er eintritt, wird der Boden rutschig. Früher kämpften die Männer mit dieser Situation, indem sie unmodische, schwere und bootähnliche Schuhe trugen, die immer noch durchnässt wurden, wenn sie auf Pfützen aus Schlamm und Wasser trafen. Am schlimmsten war, dass diese Schuhe die Sporttasche stinken ließen. Zum Glück gibt es heute praktischere und cooler aussehende Wassersportschuhe, die man auch tragen kann, wenn es nicht regnet.

Diese Art von Schuhen verfügt über eine breite Palette von Funktionen und Eigenschaften wie Traktion unter den Füßen, Wasserableitung, Wärmeschutz und Dämpfung. Obwohl diese Merkmale die Entwicklung von Sport-WasserschuheZum Glück bleibt die Vielseitigkeit nicht stehen. Sie werden ständig verbessert, weiterentwickelt, aufgewertet und modischer gestaltet. So können Hybridschuhe und -sandalen jetzt auch von Wanderern genutzt werden, die mit Wasser in Berührung kommen. Egal, ob Sie Kajak fahren, tauchen, Boot fahren, Brettsport treiben, sich am Strand oder im Schwimmbad aufhalten oder im offenen Wasser schwimmen gehen, Sie müssen sich keine Gedanken über Ihr Schuhwerk machen, denn es gibt jetzt Aquaschuhe, die speziell für das Nasswerden konzipiert sind.

Wasserschuhe für Männer

1. Crocs Herren Swiftwater Mesh Wasserschuhe

Mit Crocs kann man nie etwas falsch machen. Obwohl Crocs für sein unkonventionelles, einzigartiges Aussehen bekannt ist, ist es die führende Marke, wenn es um Wasserschuhe geht. Ihre Produkte sind in der Regel leicht, robust und trocknen schnell und einfach. Die Swiftwater Mesh-Wasserschuhe sind keine Ausnahme, wenn es um die beliebten Eigenschaften von Crocs geht.

Die Swiftwater Mesh Wasserschuhe bieten ein lässiges Outdoor-/Wandergefühl und sind gleichzeitig praktisch und effektiv. Wenn Sie also gerne wandern, Wassersport betreiben und sich in der Nähe eines Gewässers aufhalten, ist diese Marke und dieses Schuhmodell sehr zu empfehlen.


  • Mit leichtem Croslite-Schaumstoffkissen, das für Komfort sorgt.
  • Das Gewebe ist schnell trocknend
  • Geräumig und entspannte Passform
  • Mit umlaufendem Zehenschutz, der zusätzlichen Schutz bietet
  • Es ist mit einem Klettverschluss verstellbar.
  • Sehr praktisch und robust

2. Merrell Men's All Out Blaze Sieve Wasserschuhe

Merrell Men's All Out Blaze ist ein Paar Wanderschuhe, die als amphibische Schuhe betrachtet werden können, wenn sie auf Wasser treffen. Diese Schuhe sind so konzipiert, dass sie in anspruchsvollem Gelände verwendet werden können. Es sorgt auch dafür, dass das Waten durch Wasser und Gebirgsbäche könnte leicht und glatt getan werden. Dieses Paar Wassersandalen ist mit wachsartigem, wasserdichtem Material ausgestattet, das Wasser schnell ableitet.


  • Es ist leicht
  • Es ist atmungsaktiv
  • Es bietet frische antimikrobielle Wirkstoffe, die üblen Geruch reduzieren
  • Kommt mit zusätzlichen Sicherheitsfunktionen
  • Mit Komfort-Zwischensohle
  • Schnell trocknend
  • Empfohlen für Wanderungen und Reisen

3. Aleader Herren Schnell trocknende Aqua Wasserschuhe

Diese Marke und dieses Modell verfügen über ein atmungsaktives Mesh-Obermaterial und eine ableitende Gummilaufsohle. Es bietet einen vernünftigen Preis und beeindruckende Eigenschaften wie schnell trocknend, hervorragende Traktion und Grip, schnell trocknende Sockenfutter und interne Dämpfung.


  • Schnell trocken
  • Maschinenwaschbar
  • Strömungsfunktionen
  • ComforDry-Einlegesohle
  • Extra Dämpfung

4. Speedo Herren Surfwalker 3.0 Wasserschuhe

Dieser Wasserschuh bietet den Komfort eines Hausschuhs und ist gleichzeitig ein Wassersportschuh. Er kombiniert barfußähnlichen Komfort und ein hohes Maß an Schutz. Er ist mit Mesh-Einsätzen für Atmungsaktivität und Schutz der Einlegesohle ausgestattet. Seine Außensohle greift und wäscht die glitschigen Wasserströme ab.


  • Fördert schnelles Trocknen mit seinem Luftnetz
  • Obermaterial aus Vier-Wege-Stretch für sicheren Sitz
  • Der Sohlenboden ist so konzipiert, dass er das Wasser ableitet.
  • 5-Trac-Laufsohle für rutschfesten Halt
  • Kann als Duschschuh verwendet werden
  • Schützt die Füße vor unwegsamem Gelände und Steinen

5. Neo Sport Premium Neopren Neoprenanzug Stiefel

Der Neo Sports Premium bietet ein sauberes Design und kommt mit einem beeindruckenden Wärmeschutz, der sich als nützlich erweist, wenn die Temperatur fällt. Dieser Neoprenanzug Stiefel kommen in drei mm Dicke perfekt für jede Wasseraktivität. Er ist langlebig und kann Ihre Füße schützen. Darüber hinaus verfügt dieses Modell über Reißverschlüsse, eine hohe Knöchelmanschette und Traktionssohlen, die den Halt auch auf nassen und schlammigen Oberflächen verstärken. Außerdem verfügt es über eine Einstiegssperre, die das Eindringen von Wasser in die Stiefel verhindert. Dieses Modell ist sehr empfehlenswert für Kajakfahren, Tauchen und Wassersport an Bord.


  • Pannensichere Sohle
  • Bahnwassereintrittsbarriere
  • Sehr erträglich
  • Kommt mit seitlichem Reißverschluss
  • Bequem
  • Angemessener Preis
  • Kommt mit thermischen Eigenschaften
  • Schutz vor nassem und felsigem Terrain

6. Keen- Men’s Evofit One Water Sandal

Keen’s Evofit One Water Sandal is known for its comfort. It is made of moisture-wicking fabric and is very strong and durable. It offers support, stability and protection specially whenever one goes hiking. It could overcome slippery surfaces and could withstand full immersion. As this model is very durable, hardwearing, water shoe-hybrid, it also comes with a hefty price. However, we could assure you that it is a good investment.


  • Quick dry feature
  • Removable PU insoles
  • Comes with rubber material which maximizes traction
  • Alienates foul odor
  • Maschinenwaschbar
  • Protects you from slippery trail
  • Bequem
  • Has a good arch support

7. Speedo Men’s Seaside Lace 5.0 Athletic Water Shoes

Seaside Lace 5.0 Athletic Water Shoes is a well-known brand and model which comes with super-light laced shoes. Its grip is impressive as it ensures you will not experience any slips. It assures its users that they are safe and secured in and around water. A pair of this shoes is perfect for swimming and navigating rocky waterlines.

This type of shoes has a breathable mesh upper, heel tab and bungee cord closure.


  • No slip feature
  • Leicht
  • Quick dry feature
  • Comes with heel tab
  • Bungee lacing system
  • Perfect shoes for swimming
  • Tough yet comfortable

8. Quiksilver Men’s Amphibian Plus Athletic Water Shoes

With a look of water shoes and sneakers, Quiksilver is usually mistaken as such. However, Quiksilver is more than a water shoe or a sneaker. This model is actually an Amphibian which means, it rules over any water situation. No matter if you would use it for water sports or you will use it for traveling, it wouldn’t be a problem with a pair of shoes of Quiksilver. In addition to that, it is comfortable to wear, versatile and lightweight. Its outsole offers sufficient grip and traction which ensures your feet will not slip. Its dry mesh lined upper quickly dries, allows your feet to breathe and eliminate bad odor. It is also very stylish which one would definitely appreciate.


  • Very comfortable
  • Comes with mesh liner which allows the feet to breathe and eliminates odor
  • Has a cushion layer between foot bed lining and outsole
  • Urban and water hybrid shoes
  • Offers effective drainage and traction

9. Adidas Outdoor Jawpaw 2 Water Shoes

Jawpaw says and has it all. It comes in simple design but includes enormous range of features. The Jawpaw is designed to be used in water activities. It is recommended and is a great option for beachcombing and walking. It provides great underfoot support and protection. In addition to that, this model also has climacool which ventilates your whole foot. It snugs to your feet in perfect comfort and its water drainage works to it upmost efficiency. It is also amazing with its grip and ensures you will not slip.


  • Schnell trocken
  • Breathable
  • Has a decent arch
  • Comes with drainage system
  • Climacool with 360-degree cooling system
  • Slip on style

10. Columbia Men’s Drainmaker III Water Shoe

Drainmaker III, created by Columbia is a tough one to beat. It is very good looking and is considered as a hybrid type of shoes which could be worn like a regular sneakers or if you wish you could wear it on a boat or water. This product is included in the list of mid-price level or range.

This model of shoes is perfect for rock walking terrain, open surf and the like.


  • Comes with open mesh and synthetic upper
  • Offers air-flow and water drainable midsole ports
  • Non-marking wet grip outsole
  • TECHLITE midsole and superior cushion
  • Sehr vielseitig
  • Tough and very durable
  • Impressive traction

11. Nike Aqua Sock 360 Mens Slippers

Who does not know the brand Nike? Nike is a very well-known brand as it produces high-quality shoes and the Aqua Sock 260 Mens Slippers is not an exception. It offers protection and is also very simple. It comes with a two layer mesh upper, foam heel and rubber outsole which provides utmost support.


  • Leicht
  • Comes with rubber outsole with pods
  • TPU heel clip and elastic collar
  • Provides utmost support and protection
  • Recommended for walking on hot surfaces
  • Bequem

12. Vibram Men’s Signa Athletic Boating Shoes

Vibram is incomparable in terms of its features. It is also very stylish and would very much appreciate and enjoy. It, in fact, offers a feeling of running barefoot and moreover, would get a feel of water around you while it provides you the best support and protection.


  • Comes in 3mm rubber sole
  • It is slip-resistant specially on wet surfaces
  • Maschinenwaschbar
  • Drainage holes and wave grip rubber outsole
  • Made of Abrasion-resistant stretch polyester mesh upper
  • It is a great fit design
  • Provides a feeling of connection with the environment

Buying Guide and FAQs

With numerous brands and models in the market, it would be difficult to find a great pair of water shoes that would best suit your needs and taste. Thus, to help you, aside from listing the best brands and shoe products, we made another list of things you would need to consider before choosing your water shoes.

Features that You Would Need to Consider:

  1. Größe– this is a very important factor; remember you will need to ensure you are comfortable. You wouldn’t want your feet to be wounded due to small sized shoes or trip off them due to their large size. Also, we highly suggest that you get a pair of water shoes that are snug fit as this will reduce your risk of slipping or sliding off.
  2. Insole – though water shoes are waterproof, you would need to find something that would let water in and out of your shoes. This is one function that your insole does. You will need to check and consider one that is flexible and could provide cushioning at the same time offers breathability. Make sure it could also easily drain and is easy to dry as well.
  3. Outsole– If you want for your water shoes to fit your feet like socks, you will need a rock-solid bottom to keep you protected. Hence, we recommend a thicker sole with grip points. Water drainage is also recommended specially to those who love to go hiking. If you are into water sports, though, it is also recommended to have a bit of thinner and flexible outsole.
  4. Material– in every product that you purchase, the material is one of the most important factors you would need to consider. For water shoes, it is recommended that you consider one that is made of synthetic mesh or neoprene. Mesh is perfect for hiking, boating, swimming, etc. Neoprene on the other hand is a material that would provide you thermal insulation protection which is great for scuba diving, open water swimming, board sports and the like.
  5. Komfort– Of course, what is the use of buying shoes if you will not be able to wear it because you are uncomfortable wearing it. Thus, it is necessary to check if the materials, design and cushioning is perfect for your comfort.
  6. Haltbarkeit– You would want something that would last longer. Since you will be using this type of shoes most probably around water, then, it is highly suggested that you get one that is durable, strong and could withstand water activities.
  7. Breathability– This is an important factor in terms of the ability of the shoes to dry quickly and to ensure that there will be no foul odor.


1. What are water shoes?

Water shoes are made of synthetic materials that could withstand water environments. They are usually made of mesh or neoprene and rubber sole that will provide you a good grip. These type of shoes ensures your feet are protected and will reduce your risk of slipping.

Water shoes are designed to be used for water based activities like scuba diving, kayaking, surfing, paddle boarding and many more. They could also be used for hanging out on the shore of a beach and surf line.

2. Why get water shoes?

If you are into water activities, this type of shoes is highly recommended as it offers stability, protection and comfort. It could withstand water which other types of shoes will not be able to. Moreover, water shoes ensure lesser risk of slipping and it is very lightweight as well.

3. What are the best activities you can do with water shoes?

You could use your water shoes on activities such as boating, surfing/windsurfing, scuba diving, fishing, paddle sports, coasteering, hiking and swimming. You could also wear them when you are exploring the coastlines, shorelines and around swimming pools.

4. Are water shoes slip resistant?

Water shoes usually provide a good grip and surface traction which means, they reduce your risk of slipping. They are made to withstand and provide protection from slippery grounds and water.

5. Do you wear socks with water shoes?

Most water shoes are made to snug fit your feet. Thus, they provide you warmth which will provide you comfort even without socks.

6. How to wash water shoes?

Water shoes ensure that your feet and shoes will not get stinky as long as you rinse them in lukewarm, fresh and clean water. Of course do not forget to dry them. It is also highly recommended that you give them a full wash treatment of washing them with water and wetsuit soap.

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