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Nintendo Direct anuncia un remake HD de Twilight Princess

Nintendo held their first Nintendo Direct Press Event since the passing of former President Satoru Iwata. Here are the highlights:

  • Nintendo will release an HD remake of The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess for WiiU on March 4, 2016. There will also be a new Wolf Link Amiibo that will be available as a bundle with the title. The game is available for pre-order now with the game’s soundtrack available as a preorder bonus. Nintendo also announced that Zelda related Super Smash Bros. Amiibos will also be compatible. In addition the Wolf Link Amiibo will be able to transfer data to the new Zelda title which is currently in development.
  • Splatoon will be making an update live today that will add 40 new pieces of gear. In addition, a new stage will be available tomorrow
  • Super Mario Maker will have a new portal site that you can access via your computer or mobile device to make finding new courses easier. It will be available in December
  • Xenoblade Chronicles X which will be available December 4 is now available for digital pre-order and pre-download. In addition, there will be some downloadable content required as updates to the physical disc. In an interesting, and welcome, move, they can be downloaded early so you won’t need to worry about waiting for the game to update before playing it.
  • There will be a new WiiU bundle that will include Super Smash Brothers y Splatoon as well as a Holiday 3DS XL deal
  • Nintendo has partnered was Tekken developer Namco Bandai for a new Pokemon fighting title, Pokken Tournament that will be released Spring 2016.
  • The delayed Star Fox Zero is currently set for an April 22, 2016 launch.
  • Final Fantasy Explorers is an RPG for the 3DSpreviously available in Japan. It will launch on January 26.
  • Fire Emblem Fates for 3DS will actually be two games, subtitled ConquestBirthright which each focus on a different side of the same conflict. In addition, there will be a third downloadable story entitled Revelation. All three games will be available in a Special Edition.
  • En Mega Man Legacy Collection Collector’s Edition will include a new Gold Mega Man Amiibo
  • The classic Pokémon games, Red, Bluey Yellow will all be released in the eShop with new wireless connectivity features.
  • Cloud, the hero of Final Fantasy VII has been announced as upcoming DLC for both the WiiU and 3DS versions of Super Smash Bros.

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