Consejos técnicos

Take a Screenshot on the Nexus 5

Screenshots are a great way to capture what’s on-screen, whether it pertains to battery stats, an eBay item up for bid at a great price, or a paycheck that turned out to be bigger than you imagined this month. The Nexus 5 has been one of Google’s most popular smartphones, such that the search engine giant unveiled an LG Nexus 5X last Fall. You can take a screenshot on the Nexus 5 in three steps:

• First, to take a screenshot on the Nexus 5, place a finger on the power button on the right side of the display.

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• Next, place a finger on the volume down button on the left side of the display.

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• To take a screenshot on the Nexus 5 in the final step, hold down both the power button and the volume down button simultaneously. When you press both together at the same time, you’ll see a small picture of your screen appear in a square, and then disappear.

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From here on out, you can take a screenshot on the Nexus 5 with little trouble. You may want to consider using both hands to take screenshots in the future: one finger from one hand on the power button and one finger from one hand on the volume down button.

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