Conseils techniques

How to Clear the Cache in Google Chrome

Every once in a while it is a wise idea for you to clear your Google Chrome cache.  The reason behind this is because Chrome cache pre-stores your files such as images and web pages and would sit it on your hard drive. This is often done by Chrome for you to be able to access faster especially when you visit the same again. The downside, however is that having this type of data on the hard drive could also provide privacy issues for some people. Hence, it is wise for you to ensure that your online activities are kept secured. One way to do that is by clearing your data. If you do not know how to do this, luckily, you came to the right place as through this article we shall provide you useful information and a step by step guide which you could use in learning how to clear Chrome cache. 

How to Clear Data:

  • Go to menu and find the three-dot button. You will find this at the upper right corner of Chrome window. 
  • Select More Tools
  • Then, select Clear browsing data
  • Press CTRL + Shift + Delete keys ( for Windows and for Linux) or Command + shift + delete keys for MacOS. 
  • Then, select Menu
  • Sélectionner les paramètres
  • Select advanced 
  • Click on clear browsing data
  • Select the period of time you would wish to delete cached through the clear the following items from the drop down menu. 
  • Then, you could choose cached images and files
  • Select clear browsing data button 
  • Chrome will then clear your cache

There are some browser data which could be stored in your online Google account. Hence it is also important that you check them and clear that data as well for added security. To do this, all you need to do is follow the steps provided below:

  • From your browser, go and visit Google – My activity page 
  • Click on the three-dot icons which could be found on each item activity or data. Click only those items you would wish to remove. 
  • Select and click delete
  • From the left menu, you will find the three dot icon again. 
  • Select delete activity by. 
  • Choose or select your desired or preferred option/s.
  • Select and click delete. 


I have a problem where Google freezes and notifies me with the message, “waiting for cache”. How will I solve this?

This issue is very easy to solve. All you need to do is clear the cache images and files. For sure, by doing this, your Google will no long freeze. 

Why does nothing happen when I select CTRL + Shift + Delete?

To solve this issue, you will have to ensure you are using the CTRL and the Shift keys on the same side of the keyboard. 


This concludes our article on how to clear cache in Google Chrome. We hope that we were able to provide you sufficient information and an easy to follow step by step guide which you could use to help you add more security measures to your online activities. 

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