
Apple rumored to be working on an electric car

After being declared the world’s first $700 billion dollar company, there are rumors that the Cupertino tech giant is utilizing its technological acumen to roll out an electric car. Initially, the company was testing camera equipped cars but did not give a clear explanation as to why it was doing such a thing. It is possible that the company will be looking to release its very first vehicle, but it seems that the current venture is still in its early development stages.

Nach Angaben von The Mac Observer, Apple is currently hunting Tesla employees who have direct experience in making cars. By hiring these employees, Apple is expected to have another rival in its long list, this time the automaker Tesla. An Apple employee stated that the company is currently working on something that will “give Tesla a run for its money.” That being said, it is almost confirmed that the tech giant is working on a vehicle that can be dubbed as the ‘iCar.’

Rumors that the company will be working on an electric were disseminating during the years when Steve Jobs was spearheading the company. Now, it looks like his vision for the future will finally be coming to fruition. The Mac Observer has also stated that even if the iPhone maker does not end up rolling out its first ever vehicle, the company still has a firm grip when its operating system is concerned, both for its iOS and Mac OS platform.

The company’s platform will most likely be playing a huge role in the automobile industry, and it will be in the form of its Apple CarPlay platform. According to LinkedIn, Apple has employed 50 workers who were previously working for Tesla under Elon Musk. Majority of the engineers currently enrolled in the company specialize in the fields of mechanics, manufacturing, and robotics, which is exactly the kind of elements Apple needs to work expeditiously in releasing its first ever vehicle.

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