
Die besten Motivations-Apps für Android und iOS

Motivation is an essential and important factor that everyone needs in their daily lives. It is an integral part for one to be able to carry on and be proactive with their day. However, there are days that are difficult and hard for us and sometimes we feel that everything is going wrong. This usually happens whenever we fail to meet our targets. Hence, it is important that we have some help and advices. Fortunately, there are motivational app that could perform this role for us.

Best Motivational Apps

1. Pact

The Pact app is one of the most famous and best motivational app. It motivates its users by asking them for their bank cards and debit or credit them whenever you fail or accomplish your daily targets.


2. Habit Bull

Habit Bull is a great option for those who love to track their habits and help those who needs to learn how to manage their time. It comes with easy to navigate interface. It also allows its users to track their daily activities and ensures you stay positive. They also offer inspiring motivational quotes which will help you get off your bad habits.

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3. Shuffle My Life

Shuffle is an app that offers different categories which will help you keep motivated and lets you get on with your day. It offers fitness, social, creative programs and many more. This app notifies its users of the points the gain for every completed tasks.


4. Way of Life

Way of Life is a good option for you to record all of your successes and failures for the day. It comes with graphs and tables and provides a detailed report. It also uses tags and labels to track all of your positive and negative things that you have done or not have done.

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5. iWish

iWish is a platform where you could manage and organize your activities. It comes with color photos and themes which will motivate you to track your bucket list and your goals. It also has motivational quotes which will help you get on with your day.

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6. Success Coach

One way to make yourself successful, is by motivation. This app offers lots of useful tools that will help you focus in completing your goals and help you grow successful. Through this app, you will be able to set reminders and even have an awareness coaching.

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7. could help you in tracking your goals. At the end of the day, it will let you know if you have managed to accomplish all your goals.


8. Strides: Habit Tracker

Strides app is one of the best motivational apps. It lets you organize all your goals such as budgeting, reading, weight, waking up early, exercise and many more. It also offers you a daily report on how committed you have been in doing and completing your goals.


9. Forest: Stay Focused

This app helps its users to stay focus on their duties. It lets you plant a small tree which grows within every 10 to 120 minutes. This means, you will not be able to access your smartphone and

will let you focus and be able to accomplish all your duties. If you exit this app and check your social media, your tree will wither.

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10. Fabulous

One setback that gives us low morale is whenever we fail to meet our goals. However, if you achieve your daily targets, we could assure you will be closer in meeting your goals. Fabulous could help you with this. It offers you tips and ways on how to live a healthy life, weight loss programs and even allows its users to set their own daily goals.

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Motivation is a good way to brighten one’s feelings and lets you accomplish all the things that needs to be done. We hope that through this article, you will be able to find the best motivational app that will best suit your needs.

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