
Best Pebble Apps

Pebble is an example of a successful Kickstarter campaign that was able to take on the tech giants and carve their place in the smartwatch industry. With a cute, elegant design and lots of functionalities, Pebble is already enchanting us with several models. But we all know that the design is not everything when it comes to technology. It’s also about the functionalities it implements. Below is a list of various Pebble apps for different applications and needs.

Best Pebble Apps for Business & Daily Activities

A frustrating issue when using your Pebble is that you only have space for so many apps. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t get all the help you need from your smartwatch; you just have to be creative and install apps that implement multiple functionalities.

When it comes to business apps and apps for activities you do daily we recommend the apps below.

Cards for Pebble

Pebble Cards

Compatible with: iOS & Android

This app manages to squeeze in a wide range of functions that any business person would want at his/her wrist. For instance, your watch face will display the most important information of the day while you will be able to check and sync Google Calendars, notes, check the weather, receive information on travel time updates, and even more.

It’s a great way to deal with the app space limit and still stay on top of daily tasks and information.

Get the app from Pebble Store


PayPal for Pebble

Compatible with: iOS & Android

Who doesn’t need PayPal these days? Use it to make a payment, check your account balance or even transfer some funds, PayPal is fun, easy to use, and works on every device.

The app for Pebble is easy to use and install and you can actually pay with your watch (where PayPal is an accepted payment method)! The app will display places around your location that accept PayPal payments to make things even smoother.

This app is completely stand-alone when compared to Apple Pay, as it doesn’t need to connect with your smartphone to work.

Get the app from Pebble Store



Compatible with: iOS & Android

This app is less useful than PayPal unless you’re a Starbucks fan. The app is specially designed to allow you to pay for coffee and other delicious beverages in any Starbucks.

PebbleBucks connects with your Starbucks account and, if everything is in order, will display the payment barcode onto the watch face. All you have to do from here is scan the barcode with the app scanner, and it’s done!

Get the app from Pebble Store

Best Pebble Apps for navigation

We all know how to use a GPS or how to search a location using Maps on our phones. But wouldn’t it be nice to take a look at your wrist and know which way to go? A smartwatch with navigation is absolutely great while driving or walking around aimlessly through the city.

So let’s see how a Pebble can help with travel guidance.

Pebble Nav


Compatible with: iOS

Maps can sometimes be difficult to quickly read on a smartphone. All crowded in that 5-inch rectangle, and if you want to see something you have to stop and zoom in. Well, with Pebble Nav you’ll only get the next move on the screen. So, instead of seeing the entire map, you just see one section at a time with direction indicators notifying you to “turn left in 15-yards.”

Even better, to make sure you watch where you’re going, the app will buzz right before you have to change direction. This way, you won’t have to keep your eyes on the watch.




Compatible with: iOS & Android

This app lets you navigate with Google Maps wrapped around the wrist. You can search or save places, look for points of interest, select the type of route you are interested in taking, and more.

The app is available in both kilometers and miles, and there is no need for a companion app.

Get the app from Pebble Store

Best Pebble Apps for Sports



Compatible with: iOS & Android

Most smartwatches come with sensors that allowed the creation of apps that monitor our physical activity. The Misfit app reads and interprets your fitness level and creates daily and weekly reports. Even more, there is a sleep tracker that will monitor the quality of your sleep.

The app on the Pebble must connect with the Misfit app on your phone to process the data. However, in the end, you’ll have an accurate picture of how fit you are and how well you sleep.

Get the app from Pebble Store



Compatible with: Android

Even though it sounds like something a pilot might use, this app is designed to track your activities via GPS (the one on your phone). So, if you’re a runner, jogger, or any outdoor sports enthusiast, this is the app for you. It will track your time, speed and distance and it will crunch them into any sports app you’re using.

Unlike Misfit, AeroTracker is not picky about the companion app so you can use whichever you like.


Best Pebble Apps for Entertainment

Now it’s time we discuss entertainment! Pebble has several great apps in this department as well, but we’ll only talk about the best.

Music Boss

Music Boss

Compatible with: Android

Pebble has all the major streaming services available, but if you happen to use more than one, switching between the two through the settings menu is a repetitive task that can quickly grow old.

In with the new, Music Boss, allows you to quickly and seamlessly switch services and enjoy and jump between any music streaming platform you like. It provides a few options to give you a more customizable experience, and allows you to rate songs directly on Pebble.


Watch Caching

Watch Caching

Compatible with: iOS & Android

If you’re into or looking to try Geocaching treasure hunting, Pebble can now assist! The app connects with and displays the closest 50 caches and directions to them. Of course, you’ll have to keep the phone around so the app can connect with the GPS module.

Get the app from Pebble Store



Compatible with: iOS & Android

There is no way to discuss entertainment and not include games! Orbtime provides a unique game-play based on logical calculations. The game has several levels and quickly absorbs the player in and acts as a perfect brainteaser exercise.

A good game to  keep you busy for those moments when there’s nothing to do but wait.

Get the app from Pebble Store

We’ve reached our end-of-the list but if you know (and use) any other great Pebble apps, please don’t hesitate to let us know in comments.

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